August generally being a quiet month for The Exhibiting Agency, with just one exhibiting workshop taking place at Kirkby Tyres. The quiet before the storm was most welcome…as September was none stop!
A new client, Kirkby Tyres held an exhibiting workshop in August just two weeks before they were exhibiting at SALTEX 2013 – an annual event for grounds care, sports, amenities, estates and green space management – Kirby agreed objectives, targets and messages, created a feedback form and adopted Outcomes. They structured their feedback questions to gather significant market intelligence on what tyres prospects were buying, how many, for what purpose and where from – invaluable information to take their sales and marketing teams forward.
Kirkby also hired Dan Blaskey, one of our most experienced stand mangers, for the first two days of the show to ensure all ran smoothly – and it did. Kirkby hit their target – almost 100 qualified leads – with over one third of those leads being 3 star. Check out their range here
John accompanied Nash’s Managing Director on a two day field trip to Offshore Europe in Aberdeen, to make some contacts and check out the competition!
Following the two days at the exhibition Nash had gathered considerable market information and picked up a couple of leads into the bargain. And as seen here re-engaged with a forgotton industry software company and picked up some tips!
The Exhibiting Agency will continue to work with Nash over the next 12 months.
Alere our long term client have three exhibitions this month – ESC in Amsterdam, ERS in Barcelona and EASD in Barcelona.
Working with Alere’s Global Marketing Services Team the individual brand teams within Alere have been put through the 20 Stage Exhibitology Process, some are familiar with it having done many shows “our way” and some new to this unconventional way of tackling an international congress and exhibition.
All teams embrace the change and take on board the challenge. Results as always speak for themselves 324 leads from ESC, 157 leads from ERS and 323 from EASD.
Lung Health, Paris in October is the next in this series – watch this space.
Mid September and a “Masterclassathon” – John presenting Live Marketing Masterclasses to old and new trade associations, starting the week with the Meetings Industry Association at the Victory Services Club, London. Followed by the Sponsors Alliance at the offices of the Energy Industries Council in London and finishing the week with the Council of Mortgage Lenders at their offices in London.
And in-between all this a first for John and The Exhibiting Agency with a Live Webinar promoted by ufi – click here to read the interview following the webinar with ufi’s Community Manager and blogger Barry Siskind.
John also spent a week in Dubai with our new client: Business Park – Dubai World Central, who have set up a kiosk in the Dubai World Trade Centre Concourse to attract new business for the Free Zone! The Exhibiting Agency conducted a workshop for DWC staff, exposing them to the 20 stage Exhibitology process, introduced them to locally sourced spotters and provided Outcomes – our lead measurement tool. To date 316 leads have been generated and recorded for follow up by the DWC sales team.
John also conducted two further Masterclasses for DMG exhibitors at The Big 5 – again playing to full houses on both days. John will be back in Dubai at the end of October and again in November for The Big 5 exhibition itself.